Saturday, August 27, 2022

AI art by MidJourney and others...

First, read the article "AI-generated art illustrates another problem with technology" by John Naughton  on the Guardian (20 Aug 2022).

So what credit source acknowledgement is required if you want to use AI art generated by MidJourney?
Image Credits: MidJourney under a CC BY 4.0 license.

The important bit, licensing terms as of today (27 Aug 2022) as excerpted from

Commercial Terms
You basically own all Assets you create using Midjourney’s image generation and chat services. This does not apply if you fall under the exceptions below. See Terms of Service for full details.
Exception 1: Non-Paid Members License Terms
If you are not a Paid Member, Midjourney grants you a license to the Assets under the Creative Commons Noncommercial 4.0 Attribution International License (the “Asset License”).

"...which means that you’d be able to use the images as long as you don’t sell them or make money off them, and as long as you give credit (“attribution”) to Midjourney." Haje Jan Kamps (@Haje TechCrunch 09 Aug 2022)

So there you have it. For more thoughts on the implications for using AI 'art' in the article on TechCrunch (link -

To view your collection of generated images use your discord login to 

Some starting 'prompts'

/imagine sketch navigation chart islands monsters treasure old 
(produced link)

(produced link)

Check MidJourney's User Manual for tips on prompts
And look for others' examples on the Midjourney Discord.
"monastary carved into a massive tree, ancient asian mountain monastary, red roofs, extremely detailed, symmetrical, proportionate, octane render, unreal engine 5 --ar 1024:2048 --q 3"

An example of a game developer that uses MidJourney generated art (link)

"sailing ship and "angry kraken" ocean storm"

AI art generators
Midjourney - Runs via Discord.
Hotpot is an AI driven multi-service platform, used for graphics, writing, image correction, and more.
NightCafe bills itself as a premium creation platform with a print on demand offering.
DALL·E. - First get on the waitlist - if/when you are approved then link to your Discord
DeepAI - 

AI generated audio noise mimicking music...
OpenAI's Jukebox
TechCrunch article on how OpenAI and other AI audio generators are dealing with copyright and licensing (link)
A useful article on the legal implications (link)
And An OpenAI researcher stating on Twitter that they (OpenAI) are not claiming copyright over the samples generated, and that such works may be publishable under copyright Fair Use provisions (link).

The OpenAI software is made available under a non-commercial license... 
...but what about the works generated? (audio output and lyrics)

The last section is the funniest - in the style of Katy Perry "Open A. I., Open A. I., on a mission to build safe A. I."
** best

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Simple halftone image generator

Sharing 360° video?

So, you've got a 360 degree video file from your GoPro. What to do with it? Well, share it on YouTube. YouTube supports uploading and pl...