Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Discuss: IP is a drag in Cyberspace

The motion for discussion is...
"Intellectual property is a drag in cyberspace: discuss"

The use of GPL, open source, copyleft and creative commons licenses suggests that intellectual property protection is a drag in cyberspace. Our goal is to study and understand the structure, powers and implications of the GPL.

Two groups (red-against, blue-for) will present an analysis and then debate the merits of their different positions, involving the whole class in the closing stages.
The readings given for initial investigation are listed below. We strongly encourage the use of additional secondary sources and providing examples as evidence supporting arguments.
Each group has 5 minutes to present.

  • From "Oracle sued Google last August, contending its open-source Android operating system violates Java patents and copyrights that Oracle inherited when it bought Sun Microsystems. Google denies any wrongdoing and has characterized the case as an attack on open source."
  • Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (
  • Yockai Benkler's web,
  • Benkler's 'Wealth of Networks'
  • The Economy of Ideas by John Perry Barlow ( 2.03)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

No Internet?!#... we're all alone

"Over Logging" (or "The Day the Internet Stood Still")
Still from "Over Logging", (South Park Studios, 2008)
Hilarious stupid but also thought provoking, this episode of South Park thinks the unthinkable; what happens if the Internet runs out, when there is not enough Internet to go around? Precise on Wikipedia

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Discuss: Social Media transforms business

The motion for discussion is...
"Social media transforms business! discuss"
The motion examines both the hype and the facts surrounding social media and Web 2.0 technology.

To assess the claim that firms employing so called 'Web 2.0 technology' have actually (or not) transformed consumer online behaviour.

Two groups (red-against, blue-for) will present an analysis and then debate the merits of their different positions, involving the whole class in the closing stages.
The readings given for initial investigation are listed below. We strongly encourage the use of additional secondary sources and providing examples as evidence supporting arguments.

Dutta, S. "What’s Your Personal Social Media Strategy?," Harvard business review (88:11), November 2010 2010, pp 127-130.
    • Taylor, C.P. "Eight Ways to Ruin Your Social-Media Strategy," 2009. (online at
    • Kaplan, A.M., and Haenlein, M. "Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media," Business Horizons (53:1) 2010, pp 59-68.
    • Benkler, Y., and Nissenbaum, H. "Commons-based Peer Production and Virtue," Journal of Political Philosophy (14:4) 2006, pp 394-419.
    • The Forth Estate in a Digital Democracy (online video snippet, accessed March 2011)
    • The future of work is social (on Slideshare)
    • Using the crowd, to create content, to create a 'service'. Waze and passively capturing GPS to model and share traffic status ( at RT chrisjhorn
    • Are location check-in services a fading fad? (
    • Fractures (or Forks) appear in Twitter's micro-blogging market? (

    ShiftHappens Various Versions
    I included these for a number of reasons, they illustrate some of the changes impacting any organisation attempting to cope with the changing social/technological transformations shifting society, education, markets. These videos are also notable for having gone 'viral' April 2010 and since in various remixes.

    And the remix version ala FatBoy Slim

    Did You Know? from Amybeth on Vimeo.

    Shift Happens 2011

    Wednesday, April 4, 2012

    Discuss: The future is Smart and Wireless

    The motion for discussion is...
    "The future of commerce is smart, wireless, and pervasive! discuss"

    This motion examines the idea of an 'Internet of Things', what it is or might be, its uses, its problems, its boosters, its critics and regulation.

    Two groups (red-against, blue-for) will present an analysis and then debate the merits of their different positions, involving the whole class in the closing stages.
    The readings given for initial investigation are listed below. We strongly encourage the use of additional secondary sources and providing examples as evidence supporting arguments.

    • Eu Com (2009) Internet of Things - An action plan for Europe COM(2009) 278. European Commission. (link)
    • Saponas, T. S., Lester, J., Hartung, C. & Kohno, T. (2006) Devices that tell on you: The nike+ipod sport kit. Seattle, WA, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. (link)

    Outsourcing Videos

    HP Video Podcast: Be "on the business" for strategic IT and outsourcing
    Tim Hynes, IT Director Europe, Middle East & Africa, Microsoft

    The Other Side of Outsourcing
    Thomas L. Friedman Reporting: Accent Neutralization / Discovery Channel looking at high tech outsourcing to India (link).

    Monday, April 2, 2012

    Database is Dead

    What if "analytics-as-a-service" was an operating model you could plug into your firm's infrastructure?


    Forget the past, yesterday's data is loosing its value with every second that passes.
    The future of data is now and predictive.
    The problem for most firms is they don't have the capability - the technological infrastructure, the knowledge, skills and knowhow - to look for and find trends, patterns, 'signal's among the noise of the streams of data that engulf them.
    That said, if you're in business you know what you want to know; you already know the kinds of questions that are relevant, interesting, essential for your firm's success. What you don't have is the latest shiny piece of tech booty and all its related paraphernalia. While you have the need you don't have the science.
    Is there a solution? Outsource the problem to a trusted provider. That's what Ravi Kalakota is suggesting is happening and is necessary.

    Sharing 360° video?

    So, you've got a 360 degree video file from your GoPro. What to do with it? Well, share it on YouTube. YouTube supports uploading and pl...