Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mid-course evaluation

Mid-course feedback
The goal of this exercise is to gather feedback on the module rather than feedback to individuals. The objective is to consult with students and gather their feedback on aspects of the course/module design. The consultation offers a systematic method of identifying and highlighting educational needs, issues, and areas for improvement. This is designed to be a 'lightweight' process, to operate at the usual break points in a two hour lecture. The instructions below are designed for a class already organised into groups. The following instructions for the mid-course feedback exercise are adapted from King (1998).

  1. Distribute paper forms (figure 1) to the group tables before students arrive. (saves time, minimal interruption to the normal class).
  2. Ask the students to read and complete (as individuals) sections A and B during the usual setup time at the beginning of the class. ~ 5 minutes.
  3. At the 1 hour break. When students return to class ask the groups to discuss what they have each written and to then comment on section C. ~ 5 minutes.
  4. Gather the paper forms at end of class. Note: it may be necessary to allow for a 3rd party to gather and transcribe the material if students are concerned about identity, confidentiality etc.

A: Please note up to three good features of this unit which are successful and which we should retain in the future:
B: Please note up to three features of the unit which are unsuccessful and which we should attempt to change and please recommend changes:
C: After the discussion, are there any points you would like to change, elaborate or add:
Figure 1. Mid-Unit Feedback Form (King, 1998)

  • King, H. "Gathering and Responding to Student Feedback," in: UK Geoscience Education Symposium: Assessment in the New Millennium, 1998, p. 5.

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