Do you have the option of flexible work locations?
Do you work as a member of a virtual team working in different time zones?
As a member of a virtual team working in the same time zone?
What BYODs do you use (smartphone, tablet, laptop, other?)
Do you use paid-for IT services or 'free'?
Are your IT services provided in-house or by a supplier?
Who pays (for bandwidth, valued added services, hardware, support, breakages)?
Is it secure? Has data spread beyond the 'login' of the corporate zone?
Have you experienced data loss from file corruption? From erroneous use? From other's erroneous use? Due to faulty software or systems failure?
Is my working day spreading into private time? How much?
Has your BYOD ever failed, been broken, been stolen?
Are personal files (family photos, emails) mingled with your work files?
Are your personal files synched or backed up via regular docking or cloud services?
Have you paid excessive charges for backup or cloud services? Does your employer reimburse you?
Has your BYOD been audited by your employer? If so how was the audit conducted? What was the outcome?
Has your BYOD device been seized or subpoenaed as evidence?
Has it been subjected to a forensic examination?
Have copies of the files on your BYOD been made by other agencies in connection with investigation or litigation?
Do you know what files have been copied?
How are those files disposed? Retention/destruction period if relevant?
Sharing 360° video?
So, you've got a 360 degree video file from your GoPro. What to do with it? Well, share it on YouTube. YouTube supports uploading and pl...
(CTAN, a meta-level resource for all things TeX ) Step 1: MacTeX packages for Mac. Install MacTeX, after which do the foll...
detecting puffin poo from space in order to track bird colonies, nest site occupation and extent, occupation use, population viability grow...
Goal Build up an understanding of the difference between data and information. Instructions 1. Ask members of the class to define inform...