Monday, March 31, 2014

Game Thinking in Contemporary Contexts

Games and Game Thinking Addressing Contemporary Issues in Management & Organisational Behaviour
Notes and guides for a seminar/workshop on Game Thinking in contemporary contexts (society, organisations, business, markets) and their relationship to management & organisational.

Required reading before the lecture:
  • Carr, Albert (1968). Is business bluffing ethical? Harvard Business Review, Jan.-Feb, 143, 155.
  • Kavanagh, Donncha (2011) 'Work and play in management studies: A Kleinian analysis'. Ephemera: Theory & Politics 

Exercise 1: Play Academic 'Chicken' (aka 'Did you read the readings?')
  1. Click on this SurveyMonkey link to play the game.
  2. Allocate 5 minutes for students to find the link and answer the questions.
  3. Follow up discussion: What are the rules of this traditional game as played between university lecturers and their students?
Notes: It's a discussion ice-breaker for a lecture on game thinking in business, starting off with a game take on business ethics and organisational aesthetics. There may be some humour or irony in the exercise (or not) as it also tests (in a playful game-like manner) whether the students really complete the readings before class.

Sharing 360° video?

So, you've got a 360 degree video file from your GoPro. What to do with it? Well, share it on YouTube. YouTube supports uploading and pl...