Step 1:
MacTeX packages for Mac. Install MacTeX, after which do the following (this is a synopsis of the Read Me First file).
- Add shortcut to /Applications/Tex/TeXShop
- Select 'Templates' (top right pulldown menu) and select 'LaTeX Template'.
- Select 'Tyepset' button to compile your first pdf file. The console will display messages as the document is compiled. Then the Typeset window appears with your shiny new pdf file. Nice.
- Update the edit window with content and re-Typeset your document.
- Repeat until finished.
- Housekeeping: Use the Tex Live Utility to keep Tex up to date.
- Next steps: Organise your writing by structuring the source document(s).
Test your ability to display and typeset extended (double byte) characters...
\newfontfamily{\A}{Geeza Pro}
\newfontfamily{\H}[Scale=0.9]{Lucida Grande}
Step 3:
Use BibDesk, (included in MacTeX) a BibTeX compliant reference/citation manager for Mac.
LaTeX/Bibliography Management for instructions and background. My preferred cite key format is %a23%y%u2. Some quick points below...
LaTeX/Bibliography Management for instructions and background. My preferred cite key format is %a23%y%u2. Some quick points below...
- MIT's 'knowledge base' has the basic examples.
- The 'embedded' system is the use of very basic 'hand-rolled' references generated by including a section in the same file you write the article in i.e. \begin{thebibliography}{1}...
- BibTeX is the more sensible approach. A text file flat database. A text file designated *.bib file and containing BibTeX standard compliant references. Start by adding references to a .bib file in the same directory/folder as your .tex file.
- Direct the .tex file to use a .bib file in another directory/folder, e.g. directory\bibliography{../BibDesk/FooBar}
- Don't forget, to compile the citations in TexShop requires generating intermediate files so you have to run 4 typesetting commands in sequence...
- Run <Typeset> LaTeX
- Run <Typeset> BibTeX
- Run <Typeset> LaTeX
- Run <Typeset> LaTeX
Step 4:
Organise your document architecture by putting this in a chapter or subsection document, and typesetting/compiling the book. Use something like...
Organise your document architecture by putting this in a chapter or subsection document, and typesetting/compiling the book. Use something like...
You would usually put the main content in separate files.
\input ../chapters.sections/intro.tex
Q: What happens when you start seeing Error messages in the console like...
Fatal fontspec error: "cannot-use-pdftex"A: You're probably using unicode or extended characters in words like "li stop using ("latex" or "pdflatex") and switch to XeTeX or LuaTeX for the typesetting engine (i.e. "xelatex" or "lualatex" from the command line or Typeset button.
A: I had a problem where when I save the file the unicode characters were corrupted. The problem was resolved within TeXShop Preferences by selecting Encoding>Unicode (UTF-8) rather than ISO Latin.
Q: What happens if you see...
! Misplaced alignment tab character &.l.29 And now for an ampersand &A: You should look for and replace & with \& in the text or in the BibTeX file (which injects title text into your processed typeset files).
Q: I'm seeing problems with accents, apostrophes and quotation marks being replaced by ? in the generated files.
A: Check first that you've got a problem, enter the text below and compile the document to PDF to verify that quotation marks and apostrophes in your edit environment are recognised...
"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things."When LaTeX produces ? where you expected quotation marks then change the preferences for representing special text characters. On a Mac you configure this via System Preferences>Keyboard>Text, select Use smart quotes and dashes, choose the appropriate substitution, usually the more vertical looking characters.
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.
The more usual means of producing quote marks in LaTeX is to use the ` and ' (or pairs of them as per `` and '') characters (see TCD Maths dept. link for more detail). A reason for using this approach is that other less complex LaTex renderers will understand the command -- such as that used for generating previews in BibDesk.
Q: My latex .tex files appear to be corrupted by strange characters where I expect to see " or ' even though the generated PDF file seems fine.
A: Another complication due to copy/paste from MS Word and Powerpoint. MS has it's own internal non-standard approach for handling quotation characters, apostrophes etc.; using for example "â\x{80}\x{98}" to represent inverted quotes.
I don't like seeing this in my tex. The way to clear it up is to post process the text or manually clean it using TextWrangler or similar editing environment.
Q: Apostrophes aren't being displayed in the typeset pdf?
This is a problem on the Mac. An nice explanation and solution from Richard Koch via Andy Ruina (link)
"Apple turns “Smart Quotes” on by default. So the code to remember settings has the side effect that “Smart Quotes” are now on unless the user turns them off. Many of these items in the “Substitutions” menu make little sense for TeX. For example, Smart Quotes inserts non-ascii characters into the source which looks correct on the screen by aren’t recognized by TeX. So the addition of this menu wasn’t really necessary except for a few of the most obscure items, which a few users requested. OK: So here’s the solution. Turn “Smart Quotes” off."If using CSQUOTES
Use \enquote{text} to place quotation marks around the directly quoted text.
If you need to troubleshoot your configuration use the command line, for example run the 4 typesetting commands in sequence...
Q: endnotes and footnotes
\usepackage{endnotes} % to add endnotes at the end of the document or sections
"Should I add my endnote/footnote at the end of the sentence or after the quote mark?"\endnote{The endnote/footnote mark should be placed outside the punctuation if it relates to the whole sentence or statement}
Q: A quick correct way to make a bold or italic (or bold italic)?
Use \textit{for text italic} and \textbf{for text bold} and something like \textit{for some italic and \textbf{bold italic}}.
Q: @misc is your default catch-all type in BibTeX (link).
Note, this is also an example of using an organisation name as author using single or double curly braces...
The following is just one of many approaches possible...
Q: How to force a new page or page break?
Just after \maketitle command
Q: How to align page numbers in article left or right hand side for an article?
In the preamble...
Most simple (no quote marks) is
sudo easy_install Pygments
Further reading and useful resources
- ShareLaTeX has nearly everything, instructions, templates, hints etc. (e.g. Tufte-style template)
- A nice introduction to the elements, markup and commands in manage figures and graphics within a document.
- Extra commentary and tips on TeX at howtoTeX
- MiKTeX (one of the packages for PC)
- The basic conventions of LaTeX markup (assumes command line use)
- MIT library videos on using citation managers: EndNote, Mendely, and Zotero
- Eduardo Marisca on the tools and mechanics for writing a thesis document.
- MIT thesis templates for LaTex
- Additional information on Zotero, LaTex and BibTex from the MIT library
- for managing references, notes on the references, and generating citation style stub markup for BibTex (and maybe other citation generator tools too).
- The LaTeX Font Catalogue (for font inspiration!)
- John Owens' very good tips on citation
- Use CiteSeerX for title, author academic article searches
ICIS Template
ECIS Template
The Latex templates for submissions for ECIS 2015 - European Conference on Information Systems.If you need to troubleshoot your configuration use the command line, for example run the 4 typesetting commands in sequence...
pdflatexCitation examples from the ECIS template copied below. Important bits in bold to emphasise the convention...
This is a normal text paragraph. This is a complementary sentence. This is a complementary sentence. Here is a footnote.\footnote{Footnotes are not recommended, but if used, look like this.} Citations should be in Harvard style. For example: \citet{markus.1988} is used often, and these two refs for information systems development \citep{avison.1995,Delfmann2007a} are used more commonly. \citet[p.~275]{kautz.1994} is an important paper, too. citet{Delfmann2007a} is also good, Geron, too \citep{Geron2013}. Please, let's not forget \citet{Mendling2005}! And with the page reference \citep[pp. 3]{Off2001aa}With the appropriate bibliography file this snippet should produce text formatted as below...
This is a normal text paragraph. This is a complementary sentence. This is a complementary sentence. Here is a footnote.1 Citations should be in Harvard style. For example: Markus and Robey (1988) is used often, and these two refs for information systems development(Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995; Delfmann, 2007) are used more commonly. Kautz and McMaster (1994, p. 275) is an important paper, too. Delfmann (2007) is also good, Geron, too (Geron, 2013). Please, let’s not forget Mendling and Nüttgens (2005)! And with the page reference (OTDR, 2001, pp.3)
1 Footnotes are not recommended but if used look like this.
Q: endnotes and footnotes
\usepackage{endnotes} % to add endnotes at the end of the document or sections
"Should I add my endnote/footnote at the end of the sentence or after the quote mark?"\endnote{The endnote/footnote mark should be placed outside the punctuation if it relates to the whole sentence or statement}
Q: A quick correct way to make a bold or italic (or bold italic)?
Use \textit{for text italic} and \textbf{for text bold} and something like \textit{for some italic and \textbf{bold italic}}.
Q: @misc is your default catch-all type in BibTeX (link).
Note, this is also an example of using an organisation name as author using single or double curly braces...
@misc{dg,Q: How to make a multi-paragraph block of text render in italic? (link)
author = {{Detroit Gazette}},
note = {1817--1830. Microfilm edition, Detroit Gazette Collection,
c.~123, XYZ University Library, University Town, State},
The following is just one of many approaches possible...
Think of the essay as presenting an extended introduction to an area rather than presenting an entire research project.
Have you identified similar analyses?
Q: How to force a new page or page break?
\newpageQ: How to turn off or supress suppress first page number for an article?
Just after \maketitle command
\thispagestyle{empty} %suppresses page number on this page (the first page)
Q: How to align page numbers in article left or right hand side for an article?
In the preamble...
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % to customize the footer/headerQ: A way to handle quotation and quote marks?
% Turn on the style
% Clear the header and footer
% Set the right side of the footer to be the page number
Most simple (no quote marks) is
\begin{quote} Some basic quote I want in an inline indented paragraph \end{quote}If you have package csquotes (context sensitive quotation package) in the style sheet... (see pdf of csquotes guide) then you can use additional commands to also handle quotation marks and formatting.
\usepackage[threshold=5,thresholdtype=words]{csquotes} % e.g. use smart quotes with a threshold level of 5 words before block indentation kicks in
\enquote{some arbitrary text I want enclosed in quotation marks}
\blockquote{For automatically setting off \emph{and} indenting a formal quotation that exceeds a standard length e.g. 40 characters, accompanied by a citation. The bill of 1657 provided an extensive framework for a postal service’s necessary rights and obligations, while also accounting for misuse. A sentence to bring the quotation size up to the threshold. \cite[67]{EngWal1657aa}}
\textquote{For formal quotations accompanied by a citation. \cite[67]{EngWal1657aa}}
Q: Changes to my TexShop Settings?
I've used the following default settings for recent TexShop updates.
defaults write TeXShop FixLineNumberScroll NO
defaults write TeXShop SourceScrollElasticity NO
defaults write TeXShop FixPreviewBlur YES
Note, if you want to see the full list of defaults, from a console enter...
defaults read TeXShop
Q: I want an un-numbered (non numbered) section title
Use \section*{Abstract} (for example)
Q: I want to start section numbering at an arbitrary number?
In the preamble include the commands
Q: Problem with double surname which doesn't wrap properly (overhangs) page justification.
A: This is the bibtex two part surname page justification problem. Take the example of Knorr Cetina, K. (1999). Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Use curly braces to fix the typesetting overhang problem in my bibtex entry (reminder, I use BibDesk). Change Author field from Knorr Cetina, Karin to {Knorr Cetina}, Karin.
Q: How do I make a long dash or hyphen to separate parenthetical sentence clauses?
- : hyphen, to hyphenate or make a compound word; in common use.
-- : en-dash, to make a mid-sized dash, for ranges e.g. pages 5--23, might also be used to link a prefix with a compound word, or to identify a speaker of a quotation that isn't included in a bibliography; infrequently used.
--- : em-dash, to make a long dash, might be used to set off a sentence or paragraph from an in-sentence heading, or it might be used to indicate dramatic pause; rarely used.
A: (from knows several font size modifier-commands (from biggest to smallest):
And use the following for a sentence or paragraph
A: (from Werner wrote: use \providecommand instead of \newcommand to accommodate the possibility that the document class you're using has defined \keywords already. \providecommand will only define it if not already defined.
In the preamble include
Q: How do I indent a whole paragraph within the document without messing around with the environment?
A: (from Use either minipage or \narrower or various other approaches.
Q: How do I change the colour of some words?
Q: I want to compile separate bibliographies chapter by chapter?
Use chapterbib for separate chapter level references.
\bibliographystyle{apalike}% or plainnat or apalike or agsm (both Harvard style kinds)
Q: I want textual and parenthetical citations
Natbib offers two basic citation commands \citet and \citep, for textual and parenthetical citations respectively.
Q: What is the minimal preamble for natbib?
Use before \bibliography{../bibtex/my_ref_file}
\nocite{*} % adds all references in the database into the bibliography, not advisable but sometimes useful
If used with a specific \nocite{citekey} it includes the reference in the bibliography even though not actually cited in the article.
Q: message when typesetting a tex file when using TeXShop.
"Cannot find control file something.bcf did you pass the "backend=biber" option to BibLaTeX?"
The message occurs when the tex file or other configuration files specify one BibTeX engine while TeXShop specifies another.
The problem does not occur when compiling from the command line using the desired BibTex engine.
Q: Bibliography showing “and” instead of “&”
Use the following command after loading natbib and agsm to get the citations and bibliography to display '&' instead of 'and'. \newcommand\harvardand{\&}
Q: Change the title for the References section if using \printbibliography
Alternatively (if using natbib) renew the bibname command in the preamble
In the preamble
A: Use the bibentry package as mentioned in (p.s. I think this utilises the \defbibentry commands described in the biblatex package documentation).
Example; in the preamble use
Q: Can I present selected citations in the body of a document while excluding them from being included the bibliography?
A: See this link on and the biblatex package documentation (search for Multiple Bibliographies and Subdivided Bibliographies).
Also see on starting out with TikZ and link to the very excellent PGFPlots manual.
Some others (non TeX) for inspiration
Q: Changing font size for text?
How to override font sizes? Answered in this useful tip on overriding default font sizes for pgfplots elements (link).
Q: Can I precompile TikZ/PGFPlots elements?
Typesetting with TikZ/PGFPlots elements is slow. Solve by including the following in the preamble to enable smart compile of tikzpicture elements.
Is it possible to rotate node text? Yes by using this (link)
How to use matrix rather than table or tabular? Well to do so requires using TikZ, so you'll need to look at the TikZ and PGFPlot manual. Some useful examples on TexStackExchange (link1, link2, link3)
A: If you need a textually 'clean' way to cut-and-paste to other editing environments. For example I cut-and-paste text from the typeset PDF that LaTeX generates into other editing packages when I work with colleagues who do not use LaTeX (and aren't likely to either).
In the preamble add...
Q: I want something like a Voronoi diagram (link and
A: Steps to follow
Q: I want to typeset URLs and emails in the text?
Or can use \href{}{ link}} - this example associates the link with the specified text in brackets.
Q: The bibliography doesn't display web references or URLs in the way I wanted? -or the way UCD wants (link)?
A general solution to the problem when using BibDesk is to use the custom Note field for BibTeX. You add it in BibDesk via the preferences>default fields>advanced edit> and by adding Note as an optional field for all Types. So, enter the reference as 'misc' in bibdesk, with Howpublished as 'web page'. Then add something like as follows in the Note field...
Q: Underscores in URLs messing up bibliography generation?
Sometimes you'll get the following when you typeset
May also need...
In utter desperation you can escape text to force it to typeset as entered...
Q: Writing accents in bibliography entries?
See How to write “ä” and other umlauts and accented letters in bibliography?
Q: Online collaborative TeX/LaTeX/BibTeX services?
Q: A beautiful template for a timeline?
See How can you create a vertical timeline? on
Q: Superscripts and Subscripts in text?
_{4} for a subscript, and ^{2} for a superscript.
Q: Special symbols like trademark and copyright? see
They are: \textcopyright, \textregistered and \texttrademark
But to get superscript displaying well use math mode \textsuperscript rather than ^.
\usepackage{hyperref} % To create hyerlinks/crosslinks, used by other packagesThen use, for example \url{http:\\} for URLs, emails etc within the body of the text.
\usepackage{url} % To display messy character strings usual for web and email addresses
Or can use \href{}{ link}} - this example associates the link with the specified text in brackets.
Q: The bibliography doesn't display web references or URLs in the way I wanted? -or the way UCD wants (link)?
A general solution to the problem when using BibDesk is to use the custom Note field for BibTeX. You add it in BibDesk via the preferences>default fields>advanced edit> and by adding Note as an optional field for all Types. So, enter the reference as 'misc' in bibdesk, with Howpublished as 'web page'. Then add something like as follows in the Note field...
Title: Healthcare associated infections
Howpublished: web page
Author: {Health Service Executive}
Year: 2013
Note: Retrieved from (Accessed on 23rd Nov. 2015)Then the generated bibliography typesets it as expected for Harvard style using 'agsm', thus...
Health Service Executive (2013), ‘Healthcare associated infections’, web page. Retrieved from (Accessed on 23rd Nov. 2015).
Q: Underscores in URLs messing up bibliography generation?
Sometimes you'll get the following when you typeset
"latex entry type isn't style-file defined web url" or even worse, underscores producing strange error messages at the bbl stage like Missing $ inserted?A workaround using BibDesk is via the preferences>Opening and Saving>Custom Character Conversions Edit>Unicode to Tex conversion> and add underscore "_" as a unicode character to be converted to Tex "\_"
May also need...
\usepackage{url} % needed for urls in references…And can use the Note field in BibDesk for the URL if needed
In utter desperation you can escape text to force it to typeset as entered...
Q: Writing accents in bibliography entries?
See How to write “ä” and other umlauts and accented letters in bibliography?
Q: Online collaborative TeX/LaTeX/BibTeX services?
Q: A beautiful template for a timeline?
See How can you create a vertical timeline? on
Q: Superscripts and Subscripts in text?
_{4} for a subscript, and ^{2} for a superscript.
Q: Special symbols like trademark and copyright? see
They are: \textcopyright, \textregistered and \texttrademark
But to get superscript displaying well use math mode \textsuperscript rather than ^.
But you will need \usepackage{amsmath} in the preamble.
Q: Write a math symbol or expression in-line with normal TeX?
The example below:
4,000 words $ \pm $ 10\%
Q: Dashes might 'do my head in', but here's the short version from
In (La)TeX, (1) - gives you a hyphen, (2) -- an en dash, and (3) --- an em dash.
Q: Adding graphics and figures? I ended up using basic figure and floatrow for more control e.g. side by side figures (see
Examples as follows
Example Copied from the ECIS template. Note you gain some control over appearance of itemize icons (see question on
Q: Write a math symbol or expression in-line with normal TeX?
The example below:
4,000 words $ \pm $ 10\%
Q: Dashes might 'do my head in', but here's the short version from
In (La)TeX, (1) - gives you a hyphen, (2) -- an en dash, and (3) --- an em dash.
Q: Adding graphics and figures? I ended up using basic figure and floatrow for more control e.g. side by side figures (see
Examples as follows
\caption{Postal innovations 1400-1700}
\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\caption{Dummy figure}\label{fig:dummy-1}}{%
\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\caption{Dummy figure}\label{fig:dummy-2}}{%
Q: I want to compile or include another pdf page as a page within my typeset document?
Q: How do I cross reference the tables and figures, in text, that I've labelled like the one above? (n.b. needs \usepackage{hyperref})
.... % then later in the document...
\includepdf[pages=-]{filename.pdf} % or use [pages=1,3,5] to specify the pages included
Q: How do I cross reference the tables and figures, in text, that I've labelled like the one above? (n.b. needs \usepackage{hyperref})
This first timeline (\nameref{fig:timeline1400}) commences as illustrated (see figure~\ref{fig:timeline1400}, page~\pageref{fig:timeline1400}). The timeline \nameref{fig:timeline1400} provides a summary view of the entire period.To produce...
This first timeline (Postal innovations 1400-1700) commences as illustrated (see figure 5.2, page 17)Q: Itemized lists of things?
Example Copied from the ECIS template. Note you gain some control over appearance of itemize icons (see question on
\usepackage{enumitem} % to change itemize bullet iconsYou can use lists, both unnumbered and numbered. They can also be nested. Here is an unnumbered list:
\begin{itemize}Here is a numbered list:
\item This is an item in the first level list.
\item This is another item.
\item Here we are in the second level.
\item This is another item.
\item And a third item on the first level.
\begin{enumerate}And the following is a description sequence. And this case shows \setlength{itemsep}{0} being used to control the line separation distance (default appears to be double or 1.5 line?):
\item This is an item in the first level list.
\item This is another item.
\item Here we are in the second level.
\item This is another item.
\item And a third item on the first level.
\begin{description}And the following is useful for multi-line code snippets or other textual statements you want to set off from the paragraph format...
\item[First] When counting go to ‘on’ (or ‘off’)
\item[Second] When finished go to ‘on’ (or ‘off’)
\item[Third] Hold finished state for ‘count’\dots
\begin{verbatim}And the \verb command does the same in-line. Any text between a pair of your chosen marker characters is rendered like a small snippet of code. Of course your selected marker character cannot be in the actual text or you won't achieve the desired effect. Try reading the source code for the documentation for \verb; head-wrecking!).
When counting go to ‘on’ (or ‘off’)
When finished go to ‘on’ (or ‘off’)
Hold finished state for ‘count’
\verb#some arbitrary text#
Q: Using tables?
Review the LaTeX/Tables page on
Here's an example, partially generated at with modifications suggested from the LaTeX/Tables guide.
Using TikZ you can place coloured boxes with text at defined coordinates on a page. It requires you to have an idea of the dimensions and desired layout. This template by Laurent Dutriaux is a good example (
Q: I want section of text to flow in columns (not the whole document)
This instruction on ShareLatex was useful (link).
In the preamble put
In the document use
A very basic version explained at ShareLaTeX (link); also see Cambridge University's AuthorNet.
Finally include the following before the end of the document.
Two ways: 1) hand roll a glossary using an \item[Term]This is a standard term motif or 2) include \usepackage{glossaries} etc.
Q: Enabling hyperlinking in the PDF file. See explanation at ShareLaTeX (link).
In other words cross reference links between instances of marked words or objects and their indices like toc, lists of figures etc
Review the LaTeX/Tables page on
Here's an example, partially generated at with modifications suggested from the LaTeX/Tables guide.
\begin{table}[h]Q: Can I draw a table more like a graphic than a spreadsheet?
\begin{tabular}{ | p{4cm}| p{8cm} |}
\textbf{Data gathered} & \textbf{Volume/quantity} \\ \hline
Observation (video and audio recordings) & 36 episodes, approximately 113 hours (partially\\ transcribed and coded) \\ \hline
Observation (personal notes) & 7 research log books, handwritten \\ \hline
Interviews & 25 (partially transcribed) \\ \hline
Corporate documentation and artefacts & Extensive document archive and database access \\ \hline
\caption{Summary of field data gathered at the case site}
Using TikZ you can place coloured boxes with text at defined coordinates on a page. It requires you to have an idea of the dimensions and desired layout. This template by Laurent Dutriaux is a good example (
Q: I want section of text to flow in columns (not the whole document)
This instruction on ShareLatex was useful (link).
In the preamble put
\usepackage{multicol} % To introduce a multicolumn section
% \setlength{\columnsep}{1cm} % If needed to control column characteristics
In the document use
\begin{multicols}{2}Q: Adding an Index?
Some text etc.
A very basic version explained at ShareLaTeX (link); also see Cambridge University's AuthorNet.
% the following are the index configuration commands,In your text use the following motif to mark index entries: \index{keyword}, a complex phrase\index{a complex phrase} or \index{keyword.qualifier}. For example the index\index{index} and a indices\index{index.plural}.
usepackage{imakeidx} % this package is for generating an index;
% config in 2 column format, a vertical rule, and index entry in the toc.
\makeindex[columns=2, title=Alphabetical Index, intoc, columnseprule]
Finally include the following before the end of the document.
\printindex % before the end of the document.Q: Adding a Glossary?
Two ways: 1) hand roll a glossary using an \item[Term]This is a standard term motif or 2) include \usepackage{glossaries} etc.
Q: Enabling hyperlinking in the PDF file. See explanation at ShareLaTeX (link).
In other words cross reference links between instances of marked words or objects and their indices like toc, lists of figures etc
\usepackage{hyperref} % note should usually be the last package to be imported.
Q: I want an un-numbered (non numbered) section title
Use \section*{Abstract} (for example)
Q: I want to start section numbering at an arbitrary number?
In the preamble include the commands
Q: Problem with double surname which doesn't wrap properly (overhangs) page justification.
A: This is the bibtex two part surname page justification problem. Take the example of Knorr Cetina, K. (1999). Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Use curly braces to fix the typesetting overhang problem in my bibtex entry (reminder, I use BibDesk). Change Author field from Knorr Cetina, Karin to {Knorr Cetina}, Karin.
Q: How do I make a long dash or hyphen to separate parenthetical sentence clauses?
- : hyphen, to hyphenate or make a compound word; in common use.
-- : en-dash, to make a mid-sized dash, for ranges e.g. pages 5--23, might also be used to link a prefix with a compound word, or to identify a speaker of a quotation that isn't included in a bibliography; infrequently used.
--- : em-dash, to make a long dash, might be used to set off a sentence or paragraph from an in-sentence heading, or it might be used to indicate dramatic pause; rarely used.
Q: I want to change the default line spacing setting for my document.
A: For example, in the preamble use
A: Alternatively, in the preamble you can add the command
Q: I want to configure how first and following paragraphs start (indent or not)
A: By default LaTeX typesets documents with first paragraph on newline, following paragraph in section on indent. To change... add or uncomment the following config commands in the preamble (see the related discussion on
A: For example, in the preamble use
\linespread{value}Where values range: 1.0 (single spacing), 1.3 (one-and-a-half spacing) 1.6 (double spacing)
A: Alternatively, in the preamble you can add the command
\doublespacing % or \onehalfspacing % comment out both to keep single spacing
Q: I want to configure how first and following paragraphs start (indent or not)
A: By default LaTeX typesets documents with first paragraph on newline, following paragraph in section on indent. To change... add or uncomment the following config commands in the preamble (see the related discussion on
%\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % typeset all paragraphs on new lines not indents.Q: I want to change the font size for some text in my document?
%\usepackage{indentfirst} % to indent first paragraphs of sections
A: (from knows several font size modifier-commands (from biggest to smallest):
\normalsize (default)
And use the following for a sentence or paragraph
\begin{footnotesize}Q: I have an article without a defined keyword command, how can I add keywords?
For a paragraph you wanted in smaller sized text.
A: (from Werner wrote: use \providecommand instead of \newcommand to accommodate the possibility that the document class you're using has defined \keywords already. \providecommand will only define it if not already defined.
\providecommand{\keywords}[1]{\textbf{\textit{Keywords ---}} #1}Then within the {document} section, after \end{abstract} use
\begin{keywords}A: This example (from shows how to change the abstract title word, from Abstract to something else.
Postal Service, Ireland, Address, social history
In the preamble include
Q: How do I indent a whole paragraph within the document without messing around with the environment?
A: (from Use either minipage or \narrower or various other approaches.
Q: How do I change the colour of some words?
\usepackage{color} % in the preamble
and \textcolor{blue}{easily} in the body
(see using colours tips on the ShareLatex page)
Q: I want to move text to the bottom of a page leaving space between the paragraphs at the top and those at the bottom?
For this you need to use the vertical placement commands (see the StackExchange article)
Vertical spaces:
Q: Copying text from pdf can't copy some character combinations (ff, fl, fi)
Can I generate pdf without using ligatures?
Damn, I have to turn off all the fancy font stuff to stop ligatures, which also ends up killing extended character sets. Might not work, but from StackExchange...
Q: I want to move text to the bottom of a page leaving space between the paragraphs at the top and those at the bottom?
For this you need to use the vertical placement commands (see the StackExchange article)
Vertical spaces:
\smallskip, \medskip, \bigskip and \vfill
Q: Copying text from pdf can't copy some character combinations (ff, fl, fi)
Can I generate pdf without using ligatures?
Damn, I have to turn off all the fancy font stuff to stop ligatures, which also ends up killing extended character sets. Might not work, but from StackExchange...
\usepackage{fontspec}The fontspec package (documentation p. 29) keeps sticking its nose into the generated text with settings \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} or [Mapping=tex-text] on specific fonts...
Bibliography Stuff
Important! There are two main approaches to handling bibliography commands in LaTeX, natbib and biblatex. They are different, they have different complementary packages, and use different commands. Choose and use one for any particular paper and then stick with it!Q: I want to compile separate bibliographies chapter by chapter?
Use chapterbib for separate chapter level references.
\usepackage{chapterbib}Then for each chapter included in the controlling document.tex you will need to issue a separate command during the usual process e.g.
latex book
bibtex chapter_01
bibtex chapter_02
latex book
latex book
Natbib relevant material: (read background on stackexchange)
Q: I want to change the style of the generated bibliography?\bibliographystyle{apalike}% or plainnat or apalike or agsm (both Harvard style kinds)
Q: I want textual and parenthetical citations
Natbib offers two basic citation commands \citet and \citep, for textual and parenthetical citations respectively.
Q: What is the minimal preamble for natbib?
\usepackage[round]{natbib} % needed for Harvard style of references.Q: What does \nocite{} do?
\bibliographystyle{agsm} % Set your referencing style, in this case agsm and apalike are both Harvard like.
\bibliography{../bibtex/my_ref_file} % path to the .bib file, just don't add .bib
Use before \bibliography{../bibtex/my_ref_file}
\nocite{*} % adds all references in the database into the bibliography, not advisable but sometimes useful
If used with a specific \nocite{citekey} it includes the reference in the bibliography even though not actually cited in the article.
Q: message when typesetting a tex file when using TeXShop.
"Cannot find control file something.bcf did you pass the "backend=biber" option to BibLaTeX?"
The message occurs when the tex file or other configuration files specify one BibTeX engine while TeXShop specifies another.
For example if the Engine settings in TeXShop prefs specify 'biber' rather than 'bibtex' while the tex file includes...
\usepackage[round]{natbib}Conversely another tex file might use a class file to manage styles (.cls), specifying biber like so...
\RequirePackage[backend=biber]{biblatex}In order to typeset from within TexShop, your prefs need to be changed to achieve agreement between the typesetting environment and the parameter in your file, e.g.:biber rather than bibtex, or bibtex rather than biber.
The problem does not occur when compiling from the command line using the desired BibTex engine.
Q: Bibliography showing “and” instead of “&”
Use the following command after loading natbib and agsm to get the citations and bibliography to display '&' instead of 'and'. \newcommand\harvardand{\&}
Q: Change the title for the References section if using \printbibliography
\printbibliography[title={REFERENCES}]Q: Change the title for the References section if using \bibliography?
Alternatively (if using natbib) renew the bibname command in the preamble
\renewcommand\bibname{Reference}Q: I want to change the line spacing and the spacing between references in the bibliography?
In the preamble
\usepackage[round]{natbib} %! needed for Harvard style of references.And towards the end of your document, for single spaced references (this one starts on a newpage)...
\setlength{\bibsep}{40pt} % an option for natbib, separation between references.
\bibliography{../path_to_references} % Your .bib file
Biblatex relevant material:
Q: Can I expand a citation entry midway through my document to display the full reference to the book or article?A: Use the bibentry package as mentioned in (p.s. I think this utilises the \defbibentry commands described in the biblatex package documentation).
Example; in the preamble use
Then later use
\usepackage{bibentry} % what it says
\nobibliography* % tells bibentry to (re)use the bibliographic data from the standard BibTeX
\bibentry{foo} % for an inline bibliographic entryAnd I found that I needed to revert to plainnat.
\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % Set your referencing style
\bibliography{*.bib} % Your .bib file
Q: Can I present selected citations in the body of a document while excluding them from being included the bibliography?
A: See this link on and the biblatex package documentation (search for Multiple Bibliographies and Subdivided Bibliographies).
Q: That annoying biber error?
See, i.e. clear the biber cache with
There may corrupt spa space characters, check the abstract text for double spaces and remove them.
Q: I want to use superscripts and special symbols for titles and text in BibTeX
Use $ stuff here $ to encapsulate latex syntax enables it to be processed in LaTeX see
Q: I want to subsequent (close) citations of the same immediate reference to display using the ibidem (ibid) convention
rm -rf `biber --cache`Q: BibDesk preview spinning on some imported citations (Taylor and Francis)?
There may corrupt spa space characters, check the abstract text for double spaces and remove them.
Q: I want to use superscripts and special symbols for titles and text in BibTeX
Use $ stuff here $ to encapsulate latex syntax enables it to be processed in LaTeX see
Q: I want to subsequent (close) citations of the same immediate reference to display using the ibidem (ibid) convention
Graphics in TeX Resources for graphics and visualisations for Tex: for great TikZ examples of graphs and visualisations.Also see on starting out with TikZ and link to the very excellent PGFPlots manual.
Some others (non TeX) for inspiration
Q: Changing font size for text?
How to override font sizes? Answered in this useful tip on overriding default font sizes for pgfplots elements (link).
Q: Can I precompile TikZ/PGFPlots elements?
Typesetting with TikZ/PGFPlots elements is slow. Solve by including the following in the preamble to enable smart compile of tikzpicture elements.
\usepgfplotslibrary{external}This is really useful because it speeds up document typesetting, only typesetting tikzpicture elements if they have changed. I needed to edit TeXShop Prefs>Engine>pdfTeX Latex setting, to enable the system call thus:
pdflatex --shell-escape --synctex=1Q: Rotate text?
Is it possible to rotate node text? Yes by using this (link)
every node near coord/.append style={rotate=45, font=\footnotesize, yshift=3},Q: Matrices?
How to use matrix rather than table or tabular? Well to do so requires using TikZ, so you'll need to look at the TikZ and PGFPlot manual. Some useful examples on TexStackExchange (link1, link2, link3)
\usepackage{tikz}Q: I want to turn off hyphenation (sometimes).
A: If you need a textually 'clean' way to cut-and-paste to other editing environments. For example I cut-and-paste text from the typeset PDF that LaTeX generates into other editing packages when I work with colleagues who do not use LaTeX (and aren't likely to either).
In the preamble add...
\raggedright % To typeset the document with minimal hyphenation
Q: I want something like a Voronoi diagram (link and
A: Steps to follow
sudo easy_install Pygments