Thursday, November 20, 2014

Does my research inform my teaching?

Notes for Videographer

Does my research inform my teaching?
My research looks at how design collaboration is performed in software engineering teams.
My research interest comes out of my industry experience.
Managing digital production, software engineering in high tech firms.
Longman Logotron, Symantec, Iona Technologies, Sepro Telecom, Havok; in Australia, Japan, the UK and Ireland.

What interests me?
What kind of practices build high performing teams?
People think software design and development is like building with blocks, but it isn't.
It's an intrinsically creative generative process.
How do you manage that?
With all the different people, specialisms, and personalities involved?
Complicate things further by working in a globally distributed digitally mediated environment, constructing an intangible evolving substance - the ideas represented in software source code.

My teaching is based on cases, often cases I write or that my colleagues have developed, or cases from Journals, current or historical.
My approach is Problem Based Learning.
Cases give you the chance to take an actual instance.
You interpret it based on what you already know, identify gaps in your own knowledge, research those gaps, apply some diagnostic or technique to analyse it, talk through the possibilities and implications.
Contrast with what actually happened.
Management studies, at the Masters level, has no place for rote learning and I'm not in the business of hawking borrowed thinking.

How does my research relate to my teaching?
Well the people who come back to Uni to study or stay on to do a Masters are looking for something.
They're looking for explanations, and want to invest their time in discovering and making sense of things, to develop explanations of their own.

Theories are kinds of explanations for the situations we encounter.
So research involves this process of continually testing and applying and trying out and developing new theories.
To make best advantage of scarce resources, to conserve them, nurture them, grow something new, do something valuable.
Being an entrepreneur is something like that.
It recognising and making that value real.
It's a creative act.
That's what innovation is.
Innovation is the introduction of something new.
It doesn't need to be globally novel, it just needs to be new in the context that you're dealing with.
Innovation is about introducing change.
You're an Entrepreneur when you make that act your own.
All technology for example, involves processes of introduction, processes of "social construction".
Innovation needs at least one, ultimately many, people who commit to it, who take it on and understand its use and value.

Is it good that my research informs my teaching?
Absolutely, yes.
I need to stay involved in the field, keep current, to be relevant.
It keeps me in a critical stance.
Is there really something to this technique or tool, or is it just a fashion or fad?
What is general about some phenomenon, what's the underlying process, does it always happen this way?
What have I learnt? Is it useful?
I'm always open to the possibility that what I know is kind of partial.
To me this is an incomplete project, that it needs ongoing revision and redevelopment.

Any entrepreneur works across two worlds:
Yes, the obvious physical-material world (of matter, materials, physics, chemistry, data, electrons, tangible products and machines).
But also the social world, from the broad scale of human society, economics, institutions and organisations, right down to interpersonal interactions, the things that make us human, that aren't governed per se by invariant laws or theories.

Social understanding is probably infinitely revisable.
Rules are made up and change all the time.
Social norms appear likes kinds of structures but they shift and warp over time.
Management is like that, it's a kind of coping with things as they happen, made sense of against a cultural backdrop.
We cope and we manage by drawing on our knowledge, using particular ideas or theories about the world.
It's these ideas, these theories, that we have, that we use to actually shape and mould arrangements in organisations.
That inform how we manage.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Raspberry Pi: imaging the SD card on a Mac

Get started with (link) or with Raspberry Pi on e14's website (link).
Most recently used "NOOBS Offline and network install".

So starting with the SD card inserted and mounted... in MY CASE ONLY, from an xterm using the df -h command, the device name (and therefore the 'raw device name') is disk1 (or rdisk1 or rdisk2 for its raw equivalent), I did the following...


Check which device maps to the SD card. This is the high risk bit because you may end up formatting the computer hard drive, never a good thing to do unintended!
$ df -h
Filesystem      Size   Used  Avail Capacity  iused  ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk0s2   112Gi  108Gi  3.6Gi    97% 28456655 955713   97%   /
devfs          184Ki  184Ki    0Bi   100%      636      0  100%   /dev
map -hosts       0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%        0      0  100%   /net
map auto_home    0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%        0      0  100%   /home
map -fstab       0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%        0      0  100%   /Network/Servers
/dev/disk1s1   3.7Gi  832Ki  3.7Gi     1%        0      0  100%   /Volumes/XBMC
Check again
Write it down.
And check again. For example run ls on the disk path to verify you can and that you access and list the SD card.

Next, unmount it using 'sudo diskutil unmount /dev/disk1s1' (my case only). The icon will also disappear from the desktop confirming this step was successful.
$ sudo diskutil unmount /dev/disk1s1


The last step is to write the image file to the raw SD card device as identified above, replacing disk1s1 with rdisk1:
$ sudo dd bs=1m if=./raspbmc-2013-12-23.img of=/dev/rdisk1
After anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes the disk image write finishes. The xterm looked like this:
1300+0 records in
1300+0 records out
1363148800 bytes transferred in 243.253827 secs (5603812 bytes/sec)
And there's a shiny new disk labelled 'Untitled' on the desktop. At first impression it looks like your 4G or 8G sized disk has tragically shrunk to 60 or 70 MB. The reason is that the SD disk has or will have a Linux swap partition and a Linux filesystem partition occupying the available space. The good news is that most of the slack space can be recovered the first time you load this SD card on the Raspberry Pi via one of the Pi configurator (raspi-config) options to reallocate the space from the linux partition to the FAT32 partitio

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