A case is a story, so it has to be interesting, like a story, with a narrative, told and holding to whatever genre is chosen (confessional, detective, fiction, non-fiction).
Cases are also stories, backed up with evidence.
Like any story it needs strong characters, characters written with personalities.
Although unlike stories cases depend on data, on evidence offered in different ways.
Evidence may be peppered or buried within the case narrative, or it may be provided in appendices.
Furthermore, cases are driven by or offer challenges.
Cases generally problematise something or construct a nexus, a point in time, in tension, a point at which key decisions.
However a case may also present an on-going situation rather than a crisis.
The opening paragraph is the hook.
All writers succeed or fail at the opening.
The first sentence, the first paragraph will either offer your reader an inducement to continue, or put them off.
Exhibits and appendix:
When starting to write a case it may be helpful to prepare the case notes in advance.
For example, corporate results, policy documents or summary, an advertisement, a job description, a cost spreadsheet, a definition, an anecdote, a timeline, samples of before or after artifacts for contrast etc.
A group template
Teaching notes:
Typically teaching notes are x2 pages longer than the case.
How would you use the case for a one class period.
Can the case be used for multiple classes?
Consider one particular overarching question per lesson period.
Teaching notes would tend to include variant lesson plans, structured exercises.
Offer worksheets for use by students perhaps including one or more of the following...
A case may be used to apply two or three different theoretical frameworks e.g. knowledge management, governance, dimensions of distance, supplier perspective, client perspective, lifecycle perspective, technology, power etc. PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) factors, Porter five forces, SWOT, stakeholder analysis, resource analysis,
What kind of case is it?
A capstone case dealing with strategic management?
A mini case dealing with outsourcing governance?
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