Every citizen with a home address
Business & Organisations
Every business, organisation and department with an address in Ireland. Every organisation that stores customer or member address data would be impacted by the postcode system.
An Post:
The national post service.
3PL Industry:
Transportation, freight forwarders, parcel services, and third party logistics providers (3PL)
Hybrid e-tailor/fulfilment enterprises
Specialist warehousing, pick and pack, robotic distribution centres
Established in 1999 the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) operated from 1999 to 2002 run by a single commissioner. The Commission was replaced by the Office of the Director of Telecommunications Regulator (ODTR) in 2003 and the governance structure altered to rotate the director annually.
The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (DPC)
Internet commerce services
Any retailer e-tailer offering products for sale via e-commerce that ship goods to addresses in Ireland. Impacted by mandatory postcode fields in customer registration and address delivery forms.
Geographical and Location Data Service Providers
Firms and organisations including GeoDirectory, OpenPostcode, Loc8Code and Go Code
GPS Technology
SatNav devices, smart phones with GPS functionality.
Producer/consumers of Demographic Data
The CSO (Central Statistics Office) and other agencies aggregating citizen data based on geographic location and address such as the HSE (Health Services Executive), city and county councils, the Revenue Commissioners.
Service and utility providers
Any organisation that captures and utilises address data for service provision and billing, e.g. gas, water, electricity, telephone, broadband.
Emergency services and first responders.
Garda (Police), Fire, Ambulance, emergency and council services.
The European Union, promoting member state commitment to deregulating and introducing competition into service sectors.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Sharing 360° video?
So, you've got a 360 degree video file from your GoPro. What to do with it? Well, share it on YouTube. YouTube supports uploading and pl...
(CTAN, a meta-level resource for all things TeX ) Step 1: MacTeX packages for Mac. Install MacTeX, after which do the foll...
detecting puffin poo from space in order to track bird colonies, nest site occupation and extent, occupation use, population viability grow...
Goal Build up an understanding of the difference between data and information. Instructions 1. Ask members of the class to define inform...