Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Activity scenarios for a new research project


1. A methodical approach to literature review
Under "SOURCES/Internals" create a "new folder" and name it "Reading List" or "Literature Review"
Add new internal source by dragging a reading (pdf or other file type) into the "Reading List" folder
Code the new source "Code>Code Sources at Existing Node"...
In my case I have a reading lists node with three child nodes (below) that I can use to track what I've read and what I haven't read.
Use Node codes to track my reading to-do list
I find it easier on my screen to configure "View>Detail View>On Right" rather than the default "On Bottom".
My preferred layout arrangement is the one on the right...
Then, for each source, create at least one "Memo"; e.g. "Links>Memo Link>Link to New Memo". But the memo can only be linked to one (or none) source. If confused check the NVivo help item with nice diagram (copied below)...
"Each source or node can have one memo linked to it and that memo cannot be linked to any other item. You can also have memos that are not linked to any item" (link).

Sharing 360° video?

So, you've got a 360 degree video file from your GoPro. What to do with it? Well, share it on YouTube. YouTube supports uploading and pl...