Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Springer manuscript preparation for editors

In this example I will configure the templates for a "contributed book", that is, a book comprised of individually authored chapters or sections, compiled by a small editorial team whose names will be attributed to the book itself. A "contributed book" is a kind of collection. Various copyright situations can arise: the simplest where the authors retain copyright of their personal contributions and the editors copyright pertains to the arrangement of the collection; through to a book in which the copyright for the whole and its parts are 'assigned' to the publisher.

First, your authors will prepare individual manuscripts conforming with the specified guidelines.
Second, incorporate the authors' contributions into the book structure.
Typeset/compile and forward to Springer.

The defined templates, for both Word and LaTeX work pretty much as documented!

In order to compile separate bibliographies chapter by chapter I used chapterbib which allows typesetting of separate chapter level references.
Using the Springer template the following example assumes editor.tex is the organising structure:
\mainmatter %%%%%%%%%
Run typesetting from the commandline for each chapter as in the controlling editor.tex; you will need to introduce additional bibtex commands to the usual process e.g.:
latex editor
bibtex author_01
bibtex author_02
latex editor
latex editor
Just to note, ensure each author uses different label names for figures, tables, crossrefs etc. to avoid name clashes on typesetting the entire book. Similarly they should use unique bibliography filenames so that these files can coexist in a shared folder. Subfolders for figures etc will need to be accessible at the level of editor.tex.

Further reading
The Springer guidelines

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