What if "analytics-as-a-service" was an operating model you could plug into your firm's infrastructure?
See practicalanalytics.wordpress.com/
Forget the past, yesterday's data is loosing its value with every second that passes.
The future of data is now and predictive.
The problem for most firms is they don't have the capability - the technological infrastructure, the knowledge, skills and knowhow - to look for and find trends, patterns, 'signal's among the noise of the streams of data that engulf them.
That said, if you're in business you know what you want to know; you already know the kinds of questions that are relevant, interesting, essential for your firm's success. What you don't have is the latest shiny piece of tech booty and all its related paraphernalia. While you have the need you don't have the science.
Is there a solution? Outsource the problem to a trusted provider. That's what Ravi Kalakota is suggesting is happening and is necessary.
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Goal Build up an understanding of the difference between data and information. Instructions 1. Ask members of the class to define inform...