Monday, January 25, 2016

Journal Counting, Metrics, Ranking.

Journal ranking systems: CiteScore, SJR and SNIP

The most recent 2015 ABS Academic Journal Guide (report on abs ranking 2015) includes a compendium of alternate ranking metrics for the journals considered of relevance to the ABS. The table in the ABS ranking list provides (human) panel ratings (AJG, ABS), and (algorithmic) bibliometrics scores (JCR, SJR, SNIP).

  1. For broader topic discovery/occurrence across a wide range channels and public fora (Twitter, news, bloggers, other publication outlets) use the Altmetric Explorer.
  2. Run a keyword search on your topic at
    1. Run a keyword search on your topic at
  3. Check the prestige rank of your sources using Scopus CiteScore is a journal ranking system based on a metric called the SCImago Journal Rank.
    1. And/or use InCites (Web of Science - Web of Knowledge) to compare journals using Thompson Reuters own Journal Impact Factor ranking system.
    2. And/or use Google Scholar's reports from records in its index system. It offers its own take on the arrangement of academic fields or categories - Top publications recorded here are sorted by h5-index and h5-median values.
  4. For institutional reporting: Elsevier’s SciVal (
Indices attempt to rank or measure journal prestige without the influence of within-journal citation behaviour. How does it work? The SCImago CiteScore is computed by allocating all journals included in a category (the index) an initial score (i.e. prestige=10). The score is then 'spent' between journals, an allocation of between-journal citations. Think of it as Google PageRank but for journals. We infer a journal is prestigious if its articles are frequently cited by articles from other journals. The value of a citation between journals is further increased if the other journal is also prestigious. 
Covered journals (a subset of all possible published journals) are assigned a calculated SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) number (see Constituent journals in the SCImago list can be viewed here (

Thomson Reuters research reporting services include: ResearcherID, Web of Science (aka, InCites Journal Citation Reports, and EndNote.

Myself in various systems
SciVal links with the entry in Scopus
Via Dimensions
Impact through
My ResearcherID (aka Publons)

Steps to update your Author Profile to correct or update your results in Scopus 

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