Sunday, April 12, 2020

Thesis Template using Word + Zotero


Cover page for all written work

The Thesis must have a cover page that includes the following clearly displayed information:
Name of Student
Student Number
Degree programme
Date of submission (see deadline in Key Dates table) All pages (except the cover page) should be numbered.

Sections of the paper to be

Materials and Methods

In-text Citations and the Bibliography (i.e. References section)

Paper to use referencing and citation style consistent with OIKOS Journal standard

Zotero group and shared library

Q: How to move from Google doc to Word while preserving zotero references?
Q: How to insert page numbers into the citation with zotero?
A: Click on the citation entry (blue) in-tool to activate the options panel for that citation (illustration below). Enter key on keyboard to process the entry.
Zotero citation options in action
Q: Can zotero automatically apply `ibid' to successive references to the same citation?
A: No, but you can replace the text to suit. However this disconnects the entry from zotero and it will not have successive updates applied (e.g. switching to another reference style).  See the help page for more detail

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