To remove first 5 characters from bunch of file names...
From a terminal
brew install rename
You can use the following command when you are in the folder where you want to make the renaming:
rename -n -v 's/^(.{5})//' *
-n is for no action and -v to show what will be the changes. If you are satisfied with the results you can remove both of them, e.g.
rename 's/^(.{5})//' *
To remove the first 14 characters including spaces of the names of files/folders in the current folder...
rename -n -v 's/^(.{14})//' *
(credit: armtatoo on
rename stopped working with ""
Press 'q' to close or escape from 'less' in the terminal window? AKA exit the 'less' command and return to the shell.
How to edit a file from the command line Mac OS X?
sudo vi filename
The following commands will be useful... ESC followed by ':q' to quit or ':quit!' to force quit
for more tips on using vi review