Come up with a list of examples of business that is outsourced.
1. Ask members of the class in small groups to come up with examples of businesses, business activities or functions that are outsourced. (3 minutes)
3. Ask each group to provide one example.
2. Write down and display this list of examples.
20:Nike: Manufacturing
19:Apple: Foxconn
18: UCD: Security
17: Apple
16: Dell: Call centres to India
15: Apple: Manufacturing
14: Apple:
13: Apple:
12: Apple:
11: Xbox: Support India
10: Coke: Outsoucing bottle supply
9: Dell: Call
8: Apple
7: Apple
6: UCD: Security
5: Insurance: Call centres
4: Aerlingus: Accounting/Financials
3:UCD: Email to Google
2: 02: Customer services
1: Motorola: Customer services:
Ask questions like:
Is there a distinction between work that is subcontracted and work that is outsourced?
What is amenable to outsourcing?
What is not amenable to outsourcing?
Is outsourcing the same as subcontracting?
Does offshore delivery matter?
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