Come up with a working definition of Information Technology.
1. Ask members of the class to define information technology or give examples of information technology. (3 minutes)
2. Write down and display this list of definitions and examples.
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There are no wrong answers, just build up a list, tabulate and provide back to the class
- "Information technology (IT) is a 'field' concerned with the use of technoloogy in managing and processing information." (Baltzan et. al., 2009: 9)
- "There are two basic categories of information technology: hardware and software." (Baltzan et. al., 2009: 318)
- Information technology (IT) is "the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications". (Longley & Shain 1985: 164)
Baltzan, P., Phillips, A. & Haag, S. (2009) Business Driven Technology, McGraw-Hill.
Longley, Dennis; Shain, Michael (1985), Dictionary of Information Technology (2 ed.), Macmillan Press (via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_technology)