Monday, February 20, 2012

Exercise: Pivot Tables

The following figures illustrate answers for assignment 5.
Note: Present each report in a separate, new worksheet.

Starting the pivot with the example spreadsheet:
a). Create a pivot table displaying a breakdown of the sales for each month in each state.
(i). In an attempt to identify trends, group the Month field by Quarters only.
(ii). Now adjust the Pivot Table so that it shows the sales in each quarter as a percentage of the full year.
b). Create a new pivot table displaying the type of product that was sold in each state for each month. Arrange the fields in a manner that most easily displays the information.
c). Create a PivotTable Report showing breakdown of the sales for each month in each state with pages formatted by Type.
(i). Filter the Type to show just White products.
(ii). Identify the state that does not have a good sales record. Filter this data to show what total sales would look like without this State.
d). Create a Pivot Chart displaying the sales per state for each month. Allow this chart to be filtered by product group.

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