The point with fail early and fail often is that it is a total radical upending of the way we generally think about working on projects, particularly projects where the goal we want to achieve has never been done (at least not in our knowledge).
Asa Raskin illustrates this idea with a story about Paul MacCready (designer of the Gossamer Condor) who put it this way “The problem is we don’t understand the problem.” In which case the best strategy is to learn quickly, to discover what the problem is. Often the goal itself seems to suggest solutions, perhaps obvious, but that these may be diversions to a more creative and ultimately successful resolution.
Sharing 360° video?
So, you've got a 360 degree video file from your GoPro. What to do with it? Well, share it on YouTube. YouTube supports uploading and pl...
(CTAN, a meta-level resource for all things TeX ) Step 1: MacTeX packages for Mac. Install MacTeX, after which do the foll...
detecting puffin poo from space in order to track bird colonies, nest site occupation and extent, occupation use, population viability grow...
Goal Build up an understanding of the difference between data and information. Instructions 1. Ask members of the class to define inform...