What is VLOOKUP? A function that performs 'vertical lookups' in a spreadsheet.
VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP allow spreadsheets simulate the functionality of relational databases. LOOKUP functions employ database-like functionality and concepts like array indexing (column or row) over a number of tables.
The syntax is generally as follows:
lookup_value (the value you want to find in the table or array)
array or table_array (the range of cells comprising the table you are using e.g. $A$1:$C$9)
row_index_num or col_index_num (the content of the corresponding array location as indexed from the array you defined earlier, e.g. col_index_num value of '2' will return the value from the 2nd column)
The following illustrates - an example in Excel for Mac.
The objective of this exercise is:
to introduce the vlookup function;
Secondary goal is to use basic spreadsheet calculations: sum, addition, multiplication, bracket rules, cell ranges, relative cell references, absolute cell references.
At least one laptop computer running Excel or another spreadsheet application in each group.
Allocate 20" to complete exercise.
Groups of between 2 to 3 students working on a single laptop.
Open the exercise spreadsheet and enter formulae, values and calculations to answer the set questions.
What to do if the student is running a Mac without MS Excel installed? Use Google docs spreadsheet in that case.
1. login to Google, select Docs and click the 'create new' button (LHS).
You can use the following example on googledocs.
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